Westmeston Parish Council Chairman’s Annual Report.
May 2024
Chairman: Cathy Mills
After serving as Chairman for many years, Rob made the very tough decision to step down and members kindly elected me as Chairman in May 2023.
The very first celebration was the completion of the installation of the 40 mph speed limit in Spatham Lane which we had worked towards for such a long time. We now have an operational Speedwatch group and there have been a number of sessions this year. We are happy to report that very few drivers have been caught speeding and the speed limit combined with the potholes seem to have slowed drivers down, despite the increase in traffic since the pandemic.
We have more to do and it is a desire to install white gates at the entrance to all points of the Parish, starting with Lewes Road, Spatham Lane and Underhill Lane, at the border of Ditchling and this parish. However these things cost money and that is hard to come by, but we will persist.
As we know potholes are a national problem, in Sussex alone £300 million is needed to repair our roads, against a budget of £20million. We are firefighting, I have managed to get the ditches cleared at the top of Spatham Lane, the flooding caused by blocked water courses has further eroded the road and I am in the process of trying to get repairs made. We have a problem at Church corner where drains are totally blocked by chalk and earth being swept down from the bostal. Underhill Lane has nasty potholes; all these areas have been reported on more than one occasion.
Another area of concern for residents are bridleways and footpaths. By working with the College and landowner, dropdown posts have been installed at the entrance to Wapple Way, this has stopped the parking and fly-tipping problem.
I have a meeting with the college shortly to discuss the perilous state of some of the trees overhanging the pathway, and I am grateful to residents who have cleared at least two fallen trees which were blocking the path. Particularly Laura Tompkin and her husband. However, I am concerned that this should be carried out by the landowners on either side, not least because of safety concerns. This is a very popular route for walkers and riders as you all know.
The Jubilee Pathway is well used and I believe repairs are planned now that the weather is improving.
For the last few years, we have employed Martin Driver to keep Church Corner clear, I am afraid that without notifying us he has stopped working in this area, but I have asked Paul Charman to help us and he has kindly agreed to take over the work. He has already started and the corner is looking so much better. Thank you to Brenda for tidying the planters at the corner.
I would also like to mention and thank, all the volunteers who turn out to pick up all the litter on our lanes, without you we would be up to our waists in litter by now.
During this first year I have attended many chairman’s meetings, met with Trevor Leggo of ESALC and generally tried to raise our profile a little. As a small rural parish our influence is not that of a large town council, but our residents’ concerns, deserve to be heard.
One area of concern voiced at these meetings is the atmosphere of bullying and intimidation which is happening across the region, I have been appalled to hear these reports and am very grateful that we as a council have no issues of this nature. Thank you all. As you know we have signed up to the Civility and Respect Pledge and were one of the first to do so. It will surprise you to know that less than a third of councils have done so and indeed look for reasons not to!
In April I attended another meeting at Plumpton College, together with representatives of Plumpton and a strong working relationship is emerging. The college are expanding into many other areas, one of these is training veterinary nurses from all over the UK and beyond. They are building a small animal house and a hydrotherapy pool for dogs, which will be open to residents. They are moving away from chemical-based farming, instigating regenerative agricultural practices, as well as enhanced planting of wildlife corridors etc. This can only benefit us all.
I hope you will all agree that it is in our interest to work with our neighbouring parishes and businesses for the benefit of everyone. Where this is particularly important is on planning matters, everything that happens has an effect on all of us, there are no lines on the roads when it comes to increased traffic due to development, nuisance caused by illegal use of land and destruction of our verges and landscape by people using what little green space remains. I am thinking of the bluebell wood on Middleton Common Lane, the press of vehicles parking everywhere this year was as bad as it has ever been and as a consequence more damage has been done. By working together maybe we can come up with solutions. No guarantees of course.
It just remains for me say thank you to everyone for your help and support, Mark, for his work on planning, Vincent for attending numerous meetings on our behalf, Joyce, Tessa and Clare for their input and help and Rob for his unfailing support. Last, but by no means least, Paul, who flew through his appraisal with Tessa and I and who is such a support to this council. Thank you, Paul.
Cathy Mills
May 2024
Westmeston Parish Council Chairman’s Annual Report.
May 2021
Chairman Rob Mills
It is a pleasure to deliver this report without the hindrance of ZOOM or other brilliant inventions that I never wanted.
As a Council we managed through the pandemic and now look forward to whatever transpires to be normal.
We were running without a Clerk from November 2020, during which time Cathy picked up the reins and kept the wagon going with advice from Trevor Leggo SSALC. He recommended Andy Beams as a locum Clerk and Financially Responsible Officer, who was experienced and qualified. Andy proved invaluable in overhauling our systems and giving us advice. His assistance was most welcome during the search and selection of a permanent Clerk and with our new Clerk, saw us all through the process of appointing a new Councillor.
Our New Clerk is Paul Vidler, experienced in many areas of local government, familiar with our locality and keen to be involved in work that aids the community. We welcome Paul to the team.
Councillor Kendal Golding had resigned for business and travel commitments and we were sorry to see her go. Fortunately, she remains a resident of Westmeston and I am sure we will remain friends and neighbours. Thanks are due to Kendal for her contribution to our Council.
We are pleased to welcome Joyce Dudeney as our new Councillor. Joyce, a resident of Spatham Lane, has been a valuable volunteer serving our community as member of the Monday Group, Jubilee Pathway Trust and Westmeston’s Litter Pick. An experienced horse rider, her advanced skills are put to use with the re-enactment group, Sussex Yeomanry. No doubt she will be up to date with all parish equestrian matters.
The Litter Pick team turns out, mainly on Monday mornings (see Website for dates and times, new pickers warmly welcome. Tea and Cake- sometimes!) Without this enthusiast band of workers our lanes and main roads would very soon look like a rural slum. Thank you, Pickers.
The professionally made warning signs met with the picker’s approval and they have requested at least 2 more, preferably 4 to provide improved warnings to approaching traffic. Unfortunately, our District Council cannot provide signs. WPC will be asked to consider this request.
Our main activities are unchanged, mainly looking after the interests of our community on matters like Traffic and Road Safety, looking carefully at any development whether or not subject to planning permission. We remain sensitive to all of our surroundings including those areas which are part of or near to the South Downs National Park and the Conservation Area around Church corner.
As we go to print, we await Ditchling Parish Council’s confirmation that they will financially support the Spatham Lane Speed limit reduction\Traffic calming scheme as agreed by the Beacon Parishes Traffic Group. Westmeston Council has raised their share to match ESCC funding.
As a community we must remain alert to the effects of the potentially massive house building projects to the north, having already seen and felt some of the traffic increases arising from the partially completed projects in Burgess Hill and Haywards Heath, the prospects for the infrastructure and local services are alarming. At this stage we are monitoring the situation and have County Councillors and our MP taking a close interest. Our Councillor Vincent Tickner is keeping in touch with events and keeping us informed. Thank you for volunteering Vincent.
So far, apart from one “barn conversation” for a local farming family member, we have seen SDNP planning permissions limited to extensions and building within existing curtilages. We hope that the effect of conserving green space by controlling development through their policies will continue.
Rob Mills 24/05/2021
Westmeston Parish Council Chairman’s Annual Report.
May 2020
Chairman Rob Mills
Christine Swan MBE. Clerk to the Council retired.
It is my sad task to report that Christine died on Monday 18th May. Christine’s career contribution to local government over many years was appreciated by all who knew her and was recognised by the award of the MBE.
Joining our Council 16 years ago, as her “retirement job”, was a priceless benefit for us, making sure that we had the best advice and support available. It was my good fortune to have her guidance and experience to call on, making my tenure as Chairman a pleasure. She will be greatly missed.
Christine leaves husband of 54 years, John, three sons and six grandchildren.
Corona Virus: I am sure that everyone is aware of the widespread changes and effects of this unprecedented occurrence. We are all trying to understand and react to the multiple requirements of government and public to combat the dangers we all face.
I need only to point out that the Parish councils and all forms of local government will operate within the restrictions and safeguards laid down by national government.
In Westmeston’s case it means that for the time being we will not be meeting as normal. One immediate outcome is no change in the makeup of Councillors and their specific duties. Anyone could, of course, resign if they so wished, but we would not be in a position to appoint a replacement at this time.
This report would normally be published at the time of our Annual Parish Meeting, but there will be no meetings for the time being. As usual it will appear on Westmeston Parish Council website.
Subject to the rules of travel and social contact we will endeavour to assist and advise our residents and where appropriate involve other relevant departments of local government.
Until 1st September, Vice Chairman Cathy Mills became acting unpaid Clerk, when we were joined by our newly appointed, Clerk Nick Wiltshire. Nick has long and varied experience in local government. We welcome Nick and wish him well at Westmeston.
Nick’s profile can be seen on our Parish Council Website.
Vincent Tickner, Kendal Golding, Mark Clark, Cathy Mills, Clare Farrands and Tessa Haughton remain in office. I thank them for their service to the public over the past year.
Planning applications in general have been mainly non-controversial, not calling for major objections from WPC. As a Council we do not have technical or legal expertise on planning matters and work on the basis of only taking into account material planning considerations. This may sometimes conflict with the public’s viewpoint. Our democratic society allows individuals to make their opinions known and we recommend their use of the planning authorities’ on line system for submitting comments.
Our Planning Lead Cllr Mark Clark has spent considerable time and effort in trying to bring together a workable procedure for implementing the terms of the Neighbourhood Plan. It became clear that Westmeston P.C. has the vision and initiative to create a Protocol for dealing with cross boundary planning matters. In principal our neighbouring parish of Streat was supportive. Unfortunately, no such understanding was reached with Ditchling PC. In the circumstances the Planning Lead decided to act in the best interests of the public when they see a need to be involved with planning applications made in adjoining parishes. This would involve stating our reasons to the planning officer for acting as a consultee, whether or not the other council/s agrees.
I thank Mark for the painstaking research and creation of the draft procedures. He has also been diligent in seeking to protect the interests of residents by asking the planners to lay down rules on working hours and general inconvenience arising from building activities.
Highways/Road Safety
Last year I reported that the Westmeston members of Beacon Parishes Traffic Group had succeeded in obtaining the recommendation to reduce Spatham Lane speed limit from 60mph to 40mph. This will involve an overall cost of £35,000.00. Assuming we obtain match funding from ESCC of 50% and Ditchling contributes half the remainder. Westmeston has to find £8750.00.
With tremendous support from residents, local horse riders and Mid Sussex Golf club, Westmeston raised £2290.00 from a Quiz Night on 21st February. Not only successful financially, the evening was a great social event. Raffle and auction prizes added to the fun. We calculated that with one more successful event plus our reserved fund we could raise Westmeston’s share of the costs.
Just as we were gearing up, a storm cloud erupted in the form of the virus and lock-down on 23rd March. Like a lot of enterprises, we are currently stuck in limbo, as are the County and District councils. This means no action for the foreseeable future. We will persist.
In the meantime, we are seeing appalling driver behaviour on our roads and it is increasing. We know from the sound of superbikes that some of them are attaining over 100 mph on our B roads. Certain cars are in a similar category. It is clear that road Policing is so minimal as to be no more than a token. We can only hope for improvements. N.B. some of the worst driving was seen during the so-called lock-down
In June 2019, the damage and nuisance on Spatham Lane caused by the presence of HGVs had reached a critical stage when residents were having to protect their property by placing objects near the road edges (no verges in that area). This led to complaints to ESCC followed by letters of intended enforcement. Westmeston Parish Council organised a residents’ meeting (to include Ditchling residents), but after agreeing that a representative of ESCC Highways would attend, the management ordered him not to go. Despite this apparent snub we were able to compromise the situation by maintain the protection of verges by the use of traffic cones.
Vice Chairman Cathy Mills negotiated with a haulage contractor to make good some of the verges damaged during the construction of a Spatham Lane development. Much of the work was carried out on the Ditchling side, where the development took place. With the assistance of residents, the repairs took place in late September a few days before the start of a long period of record rain fall. Unfortunately, much of the infill was washed away.
A constant source of nuisance over many years has been, and remains, the behaviour of Network Rail work force at the Spatham Lane crossing. Having received promises ad nauseam about reducing noise, obstruction, litter, and more, the company has appointed a manager to deal with all of the lengthy complaints.
Accordingly, on 31st January, Councillors were present at a resident’s with Maria Caulfield MP and the manager from Network Rail. The meeting covered a wide scope of problems and a list of 9 action points was agreed.
Currently, further meetings are impractical and we accept the reasons. The matter will be followed up when restrictions are lifted.
Since that meeting, an unconnected incident occurred when a resident’s dog received an electric shock when being walked over the crossing. The resident reported this to the rail company but the delay in dealing with what we consider to be an emergency and risk to life was disappointing. After a week or so the area was inspected and considered safe. It was only last week when notification was received that the crossing would have to close while the insulation across the road is replaced.
Our advice to anyone is to keep clear of the crossing when it is wet. Dogs and horses are particularly vulnerable to electric shock. We are looking at 600 volts! We await news that the work has been completed.
Our Band of litter picker volunteers have made a very noticeable difference to our verges. Each session yields a mass of mixed garbage and vehicle parts which would otherwise have remained as a visual reminder of some of the low life using our roads and lanes. In the interests of recycling some of the abandoned vehicle parts have been incorporated by a resident into a sculpture on view in Spatham Lane.
Rights of Way
Our relationship with Rights of Way is positive and we find them helpful despite the difficulties of operating on limited budgets. We informed them of our concerns that the main ditches along Wapple Way are now ineffective and in need of clearing. We want to prevent further damage to the pathway from overflow. Highway Rangers have been directed to attend before the start of winter.
Broad Band
The situation of seeing improvements in 2020 may have changed owing to the Emergency. We understand that engineering surveys have taken place in the Underhill Lane area.
Conservation Area. Church Corner
Only planning applications of minor significance have been dealt with. The area remains tidy under the stewardship of Martin Driver.
On a personal note: It is a privilege to be part of a community in this special part of Sussex. I thank the good fortune that allows me to consider Parishioners as friends, including those of you on the Ditchling side of the boundary. I know that Cathy shares this view of belonging. Thank you all.
Westmeston Parish Room Trust
Registered Charity No. 1016350
Chairman of Trustees: Rob Mills
Report on behalf of the Trustees – May 2020
This year is the 20th Anniversary of Westmeston Parish Hall and it is going to be very challenging with the current restrictions placed by the Government with Covid-19. On 23rd March we cancelled / postponed all events until further notice and this will obviously limit our income for this year. The Trustees main concern is to maintain income to cover expenditure. Our outgoings are similar to a large house but there are additional regulatory and liability concerns that continually need to be confronted.
As you know, the Hall is a great venue in the Parish for functions including parties, wedding receptions, anniversaries, workshop days and seminars, etc. We hope that the residents of Westmeston and others from further afield will use the Hall when we are back in action. Please look at the Parish Hall page on our website for further information – www.westmeston.org.uk
We would like to thank The Acorns Nursery and Forest School for their continued use of the Hall and look forward to welcoming them back soon. The school continues to have an ‘Outstanding’ Ofsted inspection and they arrange a Summer Fun Holiday Programme for 2-11 year olds.
The bonfire night last October was well attended even though we had torrential rain. Not all the fireworks could be lit due to the drenching but it was still a very good display. We made a small profit which, as always, goes towards the upkeep of the Hall. If regulations allow us to hold a bonfire this year the planned date is 24th October 2020. The Trustees would welcome any help from residents in arranging and anyway hope you will come and enjoy the evening and support the Hall.
Thanks are due to everyone who has so readily pitched in over the past year. A specific mention must go to Paul for his work in the daily managing of the Hall and for keeping both the bookings and daily accounts. We would also like to thank Gerald and Kendal for keeping the grounds so tidy and mown. We must thank Janet for keeping the hall clean and her flexibility to clean when no one is at the Hall. Also Cathy for arranging the Westmeston 2020 calendar whose profits go to the Hall.
Tessa Haughton – Secretary to the Trustees
Chairman’s Annual Report May 2019
Chairman Cllr. Rob Mills
Following uncontested elections this month, our full complement of 7 Councillors remains unchanged. Vincent, Kendal, Mark, Cathy, Clare and Tessa, thank you for your work through the year.
Along with highways/traffic/road safety, planning occupies more of our time and input than other matters. After a relatively quiet time over the last few years we are now seeing an increase in planning applications, mainly concerning alterations to existing dwellings but also enquiries about change of use of buildings to residential use. Members attended an excellent, enlightening workshop on planning protocol during the year, organised by Association of Local Councillors
We maintain vigilance beyond our parish boundaries in respect of developments which could have effects on Westmeston residents. In accordance with recommendations on implementation of the Beacon Parishes Neighbourhood Development Plan, our planning lead Mark Clark is working to produce a procedure for our parishes to work together on planning matters affecting more than one parish.
Whilst we accept that we are not experts on planning matters, we take a view that comments should be made where there is concern about potential detrimental effects on residents. We have seen the unhappy results caused during construction of developments and will ask planning authorities to apply conditions to reduce disruption and nuisance to the minimum.
Highways/Road Safety
Much time and energy has been invested with the intention of improving the quality of life for residents affected by traffic congestion and high volumes of vehicles driven in a potentially dangerous manner. This is a major concern throughout the county according to many council members I have met at various meetings and conferences.
The Beacon Parishes Traffic Group was formed in late 2017 following a tragic incident involving a car and horse rider from Spatham Lane. The immediate task was to improve safety on Spatham Lane, in most people’s experience the most dangerous place in the area for road users. The Groups role expanded to take responsibility for traffic and transport throughout the three parishes as the implementation required by the Neighbourhood Development Plan.
After Ditchling and Westmeston jointly funded a speed and volume survey on the lane, ESCC Highways Road Safety assessed it together with Police. The found that there was sufficient reason to support the change of speed limit from 60 mph to 40 mph. This was followed by a jointly funded Feasibility Study by road engineers for ESCC. The recommendation was for the installation of a 40-mph limit.
The cost will be in the region £35,000.00, to be found by the Parishes. There is little chance of receiving any county contribution above 5% of this figure.
It has to be said that the reduced speed limit alone may not be enough to change driver behaviour. It does, however, enable other measures to be taken e.g. Speed Watch which we know has a good effect. Also changes to road appearances can alter attitudes and approaches. None of this can be applied while we have the 60mph limit.
Our current task is sourcing the funding. In the meantime, we are sorry for the delays which seems to accompany anything we try to achieve on highway matters. A few minor matters have been attended to such as repairs to balustrades over the Bevern Spring, various road sign repairs/renewal, pothole repairs and enforcement by means of cameras at the rail crossing. There had been reports of drivers jumping the red lights and even zig-zagging around the barriers during the approach of trains.
Rights of Way
Our lead, Cathy Mills, maintains contact with Rights of Way and finds them helpful and willing to deal with issues arising. Within their financial restraints they do their best deal with obstructions and damage to surfaces. Our bridleways carry a huge level of equestrian traffic compared with similar facilities we have seen in other counties.
The modifications on 11c (Meadowsweet) have been completed and we are expecting rangers to be clearing fallen and hazardous trees in many places along Wapple Way.
We have a magnificent network of Footpaths and Bridleways and suggest that regular users get into the practice of carrying a pair of secateurs. They can nip off brambles and thorn branches as they go, before they become a hazard. If enough people do this it can make a worthwhile difference. I suggest that suitable gardeners’ pouches can be put on a belt and used by walkers and riders. We used to have general purpose saddles on which you could mount and fix all sorts of holsters and retainers. Perhaps “hand free” means something different now.
Broad Band
Cllr Cathy Mills has explored every known possibility of improvements to bring faster internet speed to all. Spatham Lane has been vastly improved. The area of Underhill Lane and Middleton area are notoriously slow. Official statements indicate improvements by 2020, unless connections are self-funded.
Conservation Area- Church Corner (And other places)
With notable exceptions, the people benefitting the most, by living in this privileged environment, seem to contribute the least (nothing) to help maintain it. The Planning authority’s standard response to planning applications is “no comment”.
Despite this we endeavour to maintain the appearance of the area with our limited precept. Gerald maintains the immediate surroundings of the Church whilst Martin, on a small retainer, more than earns this by keeping grass and vegetation under control. Tessa is picking up litter as soon as it appears. You may note the smart appearance of the phone box, sporting a new paint job thanks to Martin ably assisted by Trish. Thanks to Karen and Alan for their initiative of the book exchange.
The newly formed litter pickers, organised by Cathy Mills and supported by LDC, has retrieved a huge amount of littered rubbish from our roads and lanes. What a great team, from Westmeston and Ditchling, thank you all. This turned out to be a very sociable event. Take a look at the Council’s Facebook page for photos.
Chairman’s Annual Report. May 2018
Chairman Cllr. Rob Mills
To start with I will briefly refer to last year’s items:
There has been no change in our full establishment of Councillors since last year. I thank them all for their service.
As a small parish with limited financial resources, the provision of three devices seems reasonable. Three main locations were chosen as accessible sites where there are concentrations of people and have been equipped; Mid Sussex Golf Club (provided by the club), St. Martins Church porch (from the Diocese) and at the Parish Hall (Council and Parish Room Trust). Both the Church and The Hall permit public access to the equipment. To date the machines have not been required to treat any casualties.
Broad Band/High Speed Internet.
Cllr Cathy Mills continues to work with residents, Underhill Lane Community Association and Lewes M.P Maria Caulfield to bring about change. There is a wide divergence of speeds available in different parts of the Parish. Estimates of a complete coverage of the parish indicate improved installation in 2019/2020.
Rights of Way
The planned work on Bridleway Westmeston 11c, leading up to Meadowsweet Cottage was completed during the year. This was a substantial construction job, making the track passable at long last. The engineering included drainage work, leaving open ditches on both sides. The resultant narrow track with steep drops on both sides was potentially hazardous particularly for passing horses. One of the ditches will be replaced with a pipe, allowing the track to be widened.
Prolonged periods of heavy rain through the winter and into spring will cause the inevitable damage to surfaces. Repairs are likely to be limited by shortage of Council resources.
Progress on the extended bridleway along Lewes Road into Streat awaits the County’s delivery of the legal documents to the landowner.
The Westmeston and Streat Footpaths Preservation Society appealed for help to ensure the survival of the long standing and important local organisation. I am pleased to report that Cllr Vincent Tickner, with an interest in walking and footpaths, is now actively involved. I believe the Society is back on a sound footing.
Highways (Road Safety)
The main issue remains Spatham Lane.
I have previously stated this Council’s belief that this road presents more hazards than will be acknowledged by East Sussex County Council’s Highways Department.
In September 2017 a dreadful incident occurred of the kind that had been many times predicted over the years. Beverley Berrill and her horse were struck by a dangerously driven car. She suffered multiple injuries and her horse, much loved by her family, had to be destroyed.
Following this, representatives of the three parishes, our district and county councillors, our MP and representatives from highways and the traffic group who worked on the neighbourhood plan came together determined to take action to make this lane safer for all users.
The meeting resolved to improve road safety on the lane by whatever means could be found. Various other issues regarding traffic problems in the wider area were expressed. However from a practical standpoint it was agreed that the priority should be Spatham Lane and the “wider” matters dealt with in due course.
Because the lane is located in both Westmeston and Ditchling, it requires both Parish Councils to agree on action. So far we have commissioned a speed and traffic survey with a view to having a lower speed limit set on the lane. This has been funded by the Parishes as the Traffic Authority will not pay. This would enable certain “traffic calming” measures to be taken. Without a limit, we have been told, that “nothing can be done”. In the meantime our M.P. Maria Caulfield organised a Parliamentary petition for a speed limit and other provisions which was presented to the House of Commons. We await developments on these actions.
At the same time we have been working with Highways on some basic improvements on the lane; I want the painted SLOW signs repainted. In my view they are worn and indistinct. They said “no they are not”. I have put the point again and will be asking in addition for another sign to be painted where it would be more effective. Highways (Road Safety) have agreed to re site the HORSES “warning” signs to make them more effective.
I asked for timber bollards to be placed at a danger spot where cars suddenly pull off the road to use mobile phones. This causes obstruction and provokes dangerous overtaking. They said if we paid it could be done. We can obtain the materials and have volunteer labour but we have been told that we can only use an approved contractor. No deal!
Ditchling has a new Councillor, a resident of Spatham Lane who shares our concerns and we look forward to working with him.
Spatham Lane Railway Crossing
Over a long process of conciliation the residents are now receiving better treatment from the rail company. Less parking takes place on the roadway now that an off road site has been found. We still await the promised bollards to protect the verges.
Conservation Area – Church Corner
The Council endeavours to keep the area tidy. It seems to be Councillors and members of the Church who pick up litter and keep the phone box in order. Wild flower seeds have been sown and were a success last year we hope for a similar show this year. Similar activity by those benefiting from living in the conservation area would be welcome.
We thank Gerald Kallman for his work in maintaining hedges and grass. He is unable to continue to help in this way but we are pleased that Martin Driver can take over.
Our website has been running for a few years now and is a source of information for both local residents and those further afield who have an interest in the area. To compliment this, last year we started a Facebook page and residents are welcome to use this as a further source of news but also to post pictures and comments. All councillors who have a Facebook page are administrators.
We would like to thank Peter Luckin for his help in circulating information through his Neighbourhood Watch network. This gives us a useful spread both within the parish and beyond.
The Ditchling, Streat and Westmeston Neighbourhood Development Plan.
We now have the plan to guide and protect the Parishes in respect of development for a good number of years. This plan was put together over the years, involving many local people giving thousands of working hours to make it a success. So successful that it was commended by the Inspector.
I was first approached by Tom Dufty who outlined his concept of localism, with residents having a say in the future of their neighbourhood. He explained that ideally the plan should be put together by people not in local government or the Parish Council. It would have councillors participating and advising and of course ultimately deciding to support it or otherwise.
The other vital component was the strength that our Parish and the Streat Meeting could derive from a partnership for this purpose, with the larger and better resourced parish of Ditchling. Whilst Westmeston needed a plan, I could not see how we could do it alone. This was borne out when I tried to recruit help from our parish. We had a small group of people involved who attended meetings and helped with delivery of leaflets drops across the parish. We have been very fortunate to have the work done for us from the qualified and lay residents in Ditchling, who so willingly gave their time to the project.
Tom we thank for the inspiration and huge input to start and get the organisation running. It was his misfortune to suffer the sudden serious illness and understandably had to hand over the reins.
From thereon it was Mike Burr who took on this gigantic job. We are so grateful for all his knowledge, expertise and personal sacrifice in bringing the ship home.
We include in our thanks Edwina and Julie and many others. Thank you.
There is only one negative thought: The Beacon Parishes have 2203 people registered to vote. On April 19th 749 cast their votes. Where were the other 1145? Election law prevents me from identifying them. I just hope the biggest slice of the undeserving are not residing in this parish.
I cannot close this report without a special mention to our lady Clerk, Christine Swan. I think I am the luckiest Chairman to have Christine as our adviser, organiser and supporter.
Without Christine I would not function very well at all. Thank you, and I am sure this is reflected by all members.
Chairman’s Annual Report May 2017
Chairman Cllr. Rob Mills
This time last year we had a vacancy for a Parish Councillor. We were pleased to appoint Kendal Golding. Kendal, along with husband Dean, is always ready to volunteer to help out with community activities.
Parishioners attending last year’s Annual Parish Meeting will remember the official launch of our defibrillator, a joint initiative with Parish Hall Trustees. We had plans to provide a second device at our phone box, but have been happy to find that the Diocese of Chichester was intending to place a machine in every church porch. Consequently St Martins is now so equipped, relieving us of the task. There are currently no indications to the public that this potentially lifesaving equipment is available, therefore we will be advising the PCC about suitable signage. Currently we have no suitable site for another defibrillator in the north of the parish.
Broadband/High Speed Internet
Central government gave us hope that everyone would be on high speed internet but did not say when.
Following much discontent amongst residents in Westmeston and adjoining parishes about inadequate Broadband facilities, Cllr. Cathy Mills, undertook to investigate. A survey of local speeds indicated large variations between localities. Discussions with BT established their plans for improvement, and whilst the process seems to be painfully slow, a new “cabinet” has been placed in Spatham Lane and now awaits the new connections. Regrettably it seems that some areas will not see much improvement while others should enjoy substantially higher speeds.
Cathy is keeping in touch with residents through e mail, and our web site. I believe that this council has done everything possible to expedite the matter and BT local management has been helpful when approached, but it is clear from news media that there are major problems at higher level between BT and Open Reach, causing failure to meet expectations. We will continue to monitor the situation and apply whatever pressure we can.
Planning applications throughout the year have been non-contentious.
Neighbourhood Plan
The Project Management Group’s task has been complicated and protracted, demanding much time and effort. The dedication and commitment of all involved deserves recognition. Our Councillors have been active in advisory roles. It is expected that the Plan will be put to the Planning Authority very soon, be followed by a final public consultation within the next few months.
Rights of Way
Construction of the long awaited bridleway extension along Lewes Road into Streat is close to being started. This will connect the bridleway emerging from the 26 (Jubilee plantation V) to Streat Bostal. It also shares the junction with Westmeston 11 going north to Middleton Manor and, of course, Jubilee Pathway back to Church Corner and Westmeston Bostal. This has been made possible by the co-operation of the landowner. We look forward to the completion when appropriate recognition from Council and Streat Meeting can be made.
Our member for Rights of Way is in regular contact with ESCC R.O.W. Department. We had been hoping for major works on the section of Westmeston 11J leading past Middleton Manor and substantial repairs on Wapple Way. Owing to financial limitations it is unlikely to take place this year but we are pleased to report that on 11C, the 300 metre stretch leading northwards to Meadowsweet Cottage is on the schedule for badly needed resurfacing. Where possible, Rangers undertake minor repairs and clearance of obstructions. The public can report these matters directly on line to ESCC or may contact Westmeston Parish Council. Much maintenance and improvement is carried out by the skilled and industrious Monday Group and this is much appreciated.
Residents of Westmeston and Ditchling and other users of Spatham Lane continue to be concerned about the number of incidents involving damage to property and vehicles. These are mostly unreported, occurring mainly at or near two bends in the road.
These accidents/incidents/crashes have not accounted for many injuries but in a crash the difference between shock and bruises and a fatal injury could be a matter of a few inches, difference in speed or just luck. Clearly, the repetition of incidents involving vehicles colliding and leaving the road proves that there is a constant factor involved. Driving a motor vehicle on the lane can be a hazardous experience and for the many walkers, cyclists and people on horseback it is at times terrifying. Although a secondary concern, the cost of deploying emergency services, paramedics and even an air ambulance, is money which comes from public funds and charitable trusts.
In my experience over the last 26 years, I have seen this situation deteriorating year by year as traffic volumes have increased. Throughout this time there have been many approaches to ESCC Highways requesting improvements mainly to bring about reduction of speeds. After an expensive in-depth analysis and consultation in and around the area, a report known as LATS was published recommending changes in traffic management. When our parish councils referred to this we found that ESCC had buried this deeper than Westminster had managed with the Scott and Chilcott Reports, and refused to accept the findings.
Starting again in 2012 we formed a joint working party with Ditchling Parish Council, with a primary aim of setting a 40mph speed limit on the lane. The concept is simple; plant two signposts at each end of the lane, each one carrying 40 on the face and the symbol for National Speed Limit on the obverse. Unfortunately the KISS principle (keep it simple stupid) is not in use by ESCC Highways. Our working party then developed a road strategy for the surrounding area and asked for speed/density surveys. To cut a long and boring story short, apart from some minimal inadequate signage developed over the years we are no further forward. The needs that we established have been taken up in the emerging Neighbourhood Plan in the “aspirational” sections. The fall back reasons are inevitably stated as “no money as a result of reduced budgets.” However we have found intransigence to be a mindset in Highways Managers when it comes to public suggestions, and an attitude of “We know best and you know nothing.” The crashes continue, a recent event resulting in the destruction of the Royal Mail letter box.
We realise that we will have to settle for less than our requirements. For example we managed to persuade Highways, in better times, to install reflector posts on Lewes Road around the bend passing Spatham Lane. Since then we and our neighbours have been relieved of the frequent task of extricating people from cars imbedded in our boundary hedges. There is, I believe, room for negotiating some low cost improvements in signage and markings on Spatham Lane which I intend to pursue. This will be done with the help of our new County Councillor who will have the necessary power to penetrate the Highways fortress.
Conservation Area Church Corner
Our regular helper, Gerald Kallman, continues to maintain the grass and hedges Thank you Gerald, and the volunteers who help to keep the area tidy. Litter seems to be a constant nuisance, consisting mainly of food and drink packaging from fast food sources.
As part of our policy of maintaining our heritage finger posts we will be replacing the post on the corner. The existing sign has been on site for many decades and is past restoration, finally suffering damage from vandalism. This, together with refurbishing of the post at the foot of Hundred Acre Lane will be done this year.
An irritant is the use of our signs by cycle event organisers for nailing and stapling their directions markers. This damages the paint finish allowing water ingress to the timber. There is no justification for this as there are plenty of alternative places to use, even if it means using cable ties. We will continue to remove these signs and where we can identify the organisers, will be seeking restitution for the damage.
Spatham Lane rail crossing
There is a history of extreme nuisance caused to residents of Westmeston and Ditchling adjacent to the crossing as a result of weekend and nocturnal engineering works on the tracks. The crossing is used as an access route for contractors with their heavy machinery. The intrusive sound of large diesel engines running throughout the night and the associated noise made by moving plant, the audible warning signals, and loud voices is of greater impact during the normal quiet hours when people would expect to be sleeping. This has brought distress to one family, being unable to sleep properly during many consecutive nights when this work was carried out.
Another effect (collateral damage) has been the destruction of verges caused by the parking of heavy plant. All totally unnecessary as the road closures meant that the tarmac could have been used without causing obstruction. The unsightly aftermath has destroyed the rural scene whilst dumps of railway materials have created an unsightly landscape in the crossing surroundings.
Matters came to a head earlier this year and a site meeting was held with residents, Network Rail, Colas Rail (contractor), ESCC Highways and two Parish Councillors. Whilst he was unable to attend, I had previously received useful advice from Lewes District Council Environmental Health Officer. The meeting was a valuable process, probably bringing home to the Rail companies the detrimental effects on residents. The outcome was profuse apologies and agreements to put in hand the clearance of the unsightly stacks of materials and waste. Contractors would be held to a strict “code of conduct” that would be monitored. Adequate notice of future engineering works would be given to residents. The companies would endeavour to reduce the use the crossing when possible. In addition the contractors have accepted liability for verge damage and are prepared to pay for restoration. Negotiations are continuing to have Network Rail pay for timber posts to prevent access to the repaired verges. Most of the action is awaited although we are pleased to report that already a new trackside fence has been installed for a resident.
We are hoping for peace and tranquility.
Parish Clerk
Christine Swan MBE, has managed this Council for many years. We may be a small parish compared to some of our neighbours but nevertheless we have much the same burden of regulation and compliance. I am grateful for her support and know that without the backup I could not have functioned as Chairman. I am sure my fellow councillors will join me in expressing their thanks to Christine and her support team named John for all their input.
Chairman’s Annual Report May 2016.
Chairman Cllr Rob Mills.
Our line-up has changed since last year. We were pleased to welcome new Councillors Vincent Tickner and Tessa Haughton. Vincent represents us at Lewes District Association of Local Councils, and has brought with him a vast knowledge of local history which has been educational for us. Tessa has family roots in the Parish and with husband Michael is working to conserve their large area of Downland. She is active in the Parish as a Trustee of the Parish Hall.
One remaining vacancy is expected to be filled shortly.
I am taking this opportunity to thank all Councillors for their work and involvement over the year. On behalf of Councillors I thank our steadfast Clerk Christine Swan MBE for keeping us on track and ensuring we are compliant with regulation. Also whilst he keeps out of the limelight, I know her husband John is always there in support. Thank you John from all of us.
Planning & Neighbourhood Plan;
These two heading are inextricably linked, with much work involved in bring the Plan up to the Pre-submission Consultation draft stage. The Consultation was open to everyone for comments. The issues raised are now being analysed and amendments considered. Unfortunately Tom Dufty, our Chairman of the Project Management Group has been taken seriously ill. Whilst there is good news about his progress it means that the Group must continue without the Tom’s dedication and massive input to the Plan. It is likely that some delays will be inevitable.
Within our Parish there have been no contentious planning matters over the year.
Emergency Plan/Resilience/Defibrillators
Together with Cllrs Mark Clark and Cathy Mills we have reviewed our aims in the light of practicalities and local resources. The comprehensive plans in force with Lewes District Council and the emergency services, with trained and qualified personnel working under legislative powers, indicated that in an emergency[R1] there would be a strong probability of these measures being timely and adequate.
Our Plan would be to make a basic level of immediate assistance available until professional help arrives. We therefore organised basic First Aid instruction through British Red Cross, resulting in 14 qualified “first responders”. We would be happy to arrange further classes for volunteers. In addition, our first Public Access Defibrillator is now in service and we have plans for more.
The Parish Hall is designated ”Place of Safety” and Keyholders contact details are held by the District Council Plan co-ordinater.
Conservation Area;
We are pleased to have Gerald Kallman looking after our grass and hedge trimming, and also generally making a good job of keeping the area tidy. Some overgrown shrubs have been removed and an area laid down to wild flowers, thanks to volunteer work from Parishioners.
Outside of the Conservation Area, we are endeavouring to rebuild and protect verges in various locations. Indiscriminate parking during extremely wet conditions has destroyed many yards of grass verge. At Spatham Lane junction with Lewes Road, residents Ray and Jill Veness have put in much work to restore the grass and trim back hedges. We have installed a new finger post, rebuilt some of the verge and another area has been sown with wild flower seeds.
A long running dispute over damage caused by Network Rail near the Spatham Lane level crossing is expected to be resolved this year. Rebuilding and protecting verges is the anticipated outcome.
Unfortunately ESCC Highways Dept. no longer carries out such restoration work but offers “match funding” through contractors. The cost is not even worth considering. In other words, if we want our neighbourhood to look the way it should, it is down to volunteers to pitch in. We would welcome any offers.
In January, Cllr Vincent Tickner organised a talk by Lewes District Council Tree Officer. This attracted a sizeable audience from both local and wider areas of Sussex, including land owners. The talk and question time covered many issues including Tree Protection Orders, Conservation Areas, pruning and felling, dangerous trees, and diseases. My thanks to Vincent for this worthwhile evening.
Westmeston Parish Room Trust
Chairman’s Report 2016
Sadly, we lost two of our longest serving Trustees, Joe Wratten in April and Doreen Kallman in May 2015. Doreen had been actively campaigning to fund and build the Hall since the 1990s and her efforts were rewarded on 1st January 2000 when the Parish Hall opened. Their hard work and dedication will always be missed.
In June Cathy Mills and Tessa Haughton were appointed as Trustees. Cathy took on the position of Treasurer and Tessa assumed responsibility for Risk Assessment.
Improvements during the year included a new cooker, which proved its worth on Parish Bonfire Night. Extra fencing was erected by Colin Hall to protect the new soakaway and recently a new boundary fence along the highway was built to improve safety and security for children attending Acorns Nursery School.
Together with the Parish Council and a subsidy from Burgess Hill Lions, we sited a public access defibrillator in the porch. This is signposted from the highway and is fully operational.
The Bonfire was as usual, a sell-out, raising £550 for Hall funds.
A windfall was a donation of £170 from the Christmas Tea.
Hiring rates were reviewed in the light of increasing costs. Market research indicated that we were charging less than competitive rates and that some increases were good business sense. The result was a new charging scale that remains competitive and fair.
Trustees Paul and Colin with Gerald Kallman have put in much time and effort maintaining the building and grounds. We are pleased to have the voluntary services of our neighbour Kendall Golding with her expert skills on her professional grade mower.
Our thanks to them and all our helpers who are ready to pitch in at our events.
Chairmans Annual Report April 2015
Chairman Cllr Rob Mills
This report does not set out to cover all the work that this council has undertaken during the past year. It does however highlight some of the matters we have been involved in.
We started the year with vacancy for a Councillor and we were very pleased to elect Todd Ford, from the north of the Parish, to join the team. Todd came to us with a background in property and a practical knowledge of planning which has since proved to be a valuable asset.
Following on from last year’s activity the Neighbourhood Plan is being developed by the Project Management Group and making good progress. Westmeston is represented by Mr. Paul Farrands and Councillors act as advisers. All residents were invited to comment by questionnaire in July and this formed the basis of the group’s work. If it has not already happened, all Westmeston, Streat and Ditchling residents will receive their excellent newsletter within the next few days. In the meantime, and in fact at any time, details of the plan can be found on the website www.beaconvillagesplan.co.uk
Our website, edited by Cllr Cathy Mills, was started last year and has proved to be the only viable method of keeping in touch with parishioners. The site carries information about Parish Council and community matters and has useful links to other organisations.
We were working with Ditchling on a joint strategy for traffic management, including speed limits. Cllr. Clare Farrands from Spatham Lane has taken on this responsibility and is well placed to deal with both Westmeston and Ditchling residents’ concerns.
The need for Neighbourhood Plans is probably the most significant change in long term planning strategy that we have seen for decades. It is hoped that this will mean having greater local influence at Parish Council level. Discussions in Council concluded that we should be taking a much closer and more proactive part in the planning process. This includes exchanges of ideas with applicants and where possible to ensure that our residents’ views are taken into account, within planning rules.
Cllr Todd Ford was instrumental in drafting and proposing a suitable procedure and this was adopted. In view of the current vacuum and confusion prior to the adoption of the Neighbourhood Plan and the likely increase of applications encouraged by central government’s lifting of restrictions in the countryside, we feel that we have made a positive step on behalf of our public.
Emergency Plan and provision of Defibrillators
These started off as separate initiatives but as they progressed it was clear that they should be linked.
After much groundwork and many hours input from Todd Ford, and assistance from Mark Clark, the introduction of the Community Resilience and Emergencies plan was launched on our web site last week. It is at the stage where volunteers are requested and it is hoped that we can have a working scheme by the end of the year. This will include provision of first aid training for volunteers. We regret to say that our neighbouring parish of Streat has declined to be involved. This will not, of course, preclude any of their residents receiving help from our scheme should the need arise. The ongoing Emergency Response Group consists of includes Cllrs. Todd Ford, Cathy Mills, Mark Clark and myself. Please take time to find out what you can add to the plan.
The campaign by councillors, to raise money for Defibrillators has started. Cllrs. Mark Clark and Tim Best are working on this. All donations gratefully received. We need in the region of £1500.00 per site.
Conservation Area
We continue to manage Church Corner. Considerable brush and undergrowth has been cleared from the bank and contractors will be mowing and weeding during the growing season. The area behind the phone box was considerably damaged during excavations by the power company and after Cllr Cathy Mills’s intervention a team was sent out to make good the surfaces and sow new grass. The Sarcen Stone plaque was cleaned by the original stonemason and the phone box and finger post painted. Since the introduction of the planters by Cllr Edwina Rowling the general appearance and safety on the corner has improved.
There is currently some disruption due to construction work at Church Cottages but we have been given an undertaking that all will be made good.
Rights of Way
Time constraints have prevented the organisation of working parties. Our principle concern is Wapple Way which suffers damage during the wet winters. Our previous sessions helped a great deal but we realised the limits of muscle power against the effects of nature. The use of machinery and a large quantity of roadstone is our real requirement but is something we cannot fund at our level of local government. It is hoped that we will be able to call on our volunteers again before long.
My thanks are due to our Councillors for their support and time with a huge thank you to Christine Swan for guiding and managing us for another year.
Chairman's Report 2014
The year to date:
When appointed Chairman it was my intention to forge closer relationships with adjoining Parishes because in this small area of the county, parish boundaries are simply lines on the map when it comes to events that affect us all.
I have therefore continued to work with Ditchling to create a traffic plan with the intended outcome of a speed limit in Spatham Lane. This will be covered in more detail by Tom Jones Lewes District and Ditchling Councillor. We have joined forces with Streat (Tony Gedge) and Ditchling (Tom Dufty) to develop the joint neighbourhood plan. Richard Flack from the Project Management Group will be expanding on this later.
In November our long serving Councillor and champion of Westmeston, Harold Rowling MBE, retired from the council. He also felt that time had come to publish the final edition of the popular Westmeston Parish News in December. This caused a vacuum and loss of expertise in the areas of rights of way and communications, jobs taken over by Cllr Cathy Mills.
We are left with a vacancy for a co-opted councillor. The position has been extensively advertised without result. Our ideal recruit would be a resident of Westmeston with an interest in conserving and improving the Parish. Pro-active would summarise the qualities, with on-line capability. New, preferably young blood is needed to carry us forward as the effects and benefits of localism become apparent. We hope to fill the vacancy as the council elections are about a year away when our continuity could be at risk with the possibility of other councillors retiring. I appeal for those interested to contact our Clerk, Christine Swan. (Details on the web-site)
Conservation Area. Church Corner
During the year, after sterling work from Cllr Edwina Rowling in reclaiming the footway for walkers and removing the blight of illegally parked vehicles, a programme of maintenance and improvement was started by Cllr Cathy Mills. A contractor was appointed to regularise the weeding, grass cutting, hedge control and general tidying. The traditional timber finger post and phone box were in need of painting but work which started in the autumn had to be abandoned due to the impossible weather conditions. The job will be completed in the next week or so.
Rights of Way (including Jubilee Pathway)
Two very wet winters followed by last year’s record rainfall has taken its toll on the footpaths and to a greater extent the bridleways. Both ESCC Highways and Jubilee Pathway have incurred major costs in repairing tracks at Bridleway 20 (Wapple Way), 11 between Wapple Way and Meadow Sweet Cottage, and Jubilee Pathway on Lewes Road. Much of this work suffered major damage due to weather. We have observed, unfortunately, that much of the damage has been unnecessarily aggravated by a small but inconsiderate element of the riding community, failing to moderate their gait over the wetter parts of the terrain, making it difficult for people to traverse on foot. They have been cantering and even galloping over these areas causing the surface and underlying material to be broken up and even more vulnerable to water damage. This behaviour is condemned by responsible riders and who see the danger of their own recreational activity being labelled as antisocial.
With the knowledge that County resources are limited, the parish council has recently started volunteer working parties to clear ditches and repair tracks. It has been encouraging to find willing helpers, including riders and walkers who share our belief in “self help”. The principle of a number of people working hard for relatively short periods, say about 2 hours, doing tasks within their own physical capabilities, has already made a visible difference. Some may be happy to do the heavy work of digging out ditches while others can do lighter work such as trimming back brambles and briars. All tasks are equally important and we need people for both light and heavy jobs. Dates and time will be published on the website.
Our means of communicating with parishioners required urgent review towards the latter end of 2013. We relied on the independently edited Westmeston Parish News to report on our meetings and other occurrences. The bi-monthly WPN, much enjoyed by subscribers for the interesting content and editorial humour, was by nature historical and therefore could not be used for immediate issues such as statutory notices of agenda. We use the Church Corner notice board for this information but it has obvious limitations, being central in the parish and remote from a large number of residents. We had been considering a website, intending it to run in parallel with the WPN. To send out regular printed news sheets would have been costly and in view of the relatively huge increase in postal charges became out of the question.
We proceeded with the website managed by Cllr Cathy Mills who set it up for the equivalent cost of one mail shot, truly value for money. This was not intended to replace the WPN but as I mentioned earlier there is now no WPN, leaving the site as the parish’s main source of communication, carrying agenda and minutes of our meetings, details of Councillors, local information and links to other relevant sites. Every household has been sent a notice about the site and all are invited to register for receiving e-mailed information on local matters. So far we have compiled a modest list of interested parties but I have to say that the take up is disappointing. I can no longer accept complaints of, “I did not know”, “nobody told us”, when the information is published on the site.
It has been a quiet year for planning activity. We have been fortunate in taking guidance from our member Cllr Clare Farrands who has a professional background in planning. One contentious application provoked considerable opposition from residents, which the parish council supported by submitting an objection. This development was refused by Lewes District Council on substantial grounds.
Westmeston Parish Hall
This fine building where we are gathered continues to run successfully under the management team. They are looking at a plan for the next 10 years to ensure it meets the needs of the community. Whilst financially self sufficient a few rental voids remain and are being addressed. The Trustees were pleased to have Colin Hall join as Trustee. Colin has already contributed a great deal in skill and hard work in support of the team and the Trustees look forward to working with him in the future.
Westmeston Jubilee Pathway Trust.
Last summer saw expenditure of c£3500 for track bed repairs. The wet winter has created repeat damage and more funds are needed to continue with the maintenance programme. The comments about maverick riders also apply to the Trust’s pathways.
Peter Luckin, Neighbourhood Watch, has been keeping us informed of events and keeps us up to date with trends in Policing. This has been a useful service, reminding us to keep vigilant about rural crime. There is a website link. We will be hearing from our local Policing Unit later in the meeting.
The year ahead.
Neighbourhood Planning; This is a fast developing responsibility and we continue to support the project management group.
Speed Limits: The safer traffic scheme wll be a continuing campaign.
Rights of way: the working parties are planned to continue and we welcome volunteers at any level of ability. Now that the County’s Village Maintenance Teams are no longer available we are expecting to be more involved in “self help.”
Communications: Events move on and we must move with them. We are aware that some residents may not have on line capability and feel left out when it comes to the website and e mail communications. I recall that a few decades past people said similar things about phones when many households did not have them. This subject is on our next meeting agenda when we will be discussing a) the compilation of a list of such residents for a limited postal information service, b) a “good neighbour arrangement whereby those with e mail could print out important information for those otherwise out of touch.
Emergency Planning; sometimes known as Resilience Planning: Even a small rural parish is not immune to major emergencies. What these could be nobody knows but unprecedented occurrences could happen anywhere. We are over flown by many commercial and private aircraft,
There is a railway line bisecting the parish while masses of all kinds of vehicles use our roads.
There are always risks of associated fires, property damage and toxic air pollution. People may think “it will never happen here” but transport, communications and safety of dwellings in many locations were seriously affected by extreme weather just a few month’s ago. Disasters on the lines of Lockerbie could happen anywhere or things we have not even imagined could happen at anytime.
We will be considering a plan to assist our residents and emergency services, albeit in a minor way. Some examples would be creating a call out list for tractors/lifting machines, 4WDs, and people with skills to use them. Medical skills at all levels would also be an essential resource to mobilise. We would hope that it will never be needed but in the event of an emergency at least part of our plan could be activated to make a crisis more manageable. Once again it is the volunteer spirit that we want to harness, we know it exists.
Such a plan would be in conjunction with our local authorities and I believe should include our adjoining parishes to maximise the potential resources available.
It remains for me to thank you for listening and to thank my fellow Councillors and Parish Clerk Christine Swan for their work over the past year.
Rob Mills
22nd April 2014