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Westmeston Parish Council


Dignity at Work Policy - 2023

Virtual Meeting Policy - 2020

Members Code of Conduct - 2024

Standing Orders - 2024

Financial Regulations - 2024

Document Retention Scheme - 2020

Westmeston Parish Council Co-Option Policy 2021

Westmeston Parish Council Insurance 2024-2025

Register of Members Interests 2023 


Statement regarding Availability of Information not shown on website.

Westmeston Parish Council places all Minutes, Agendas, Reports, List of Members and contact details, financial information such as accounts, budget,  annual return and external auditors Certification and responses to planning applications (see minutes) on the website. Should any member of the public wish to see other items such as receipts for purchases or payments for works carried out at the Council’s expense, please contact the clerk and the item will be made available for inspection.


