Abbreviations used:-
LPA – Local Planning Authority. This will almost invariably be Lewes District Council or the SDNP Authority.
LDP – Lewes District Council.
NPPF – National Planning Policy Framework.
SDNP – South Downs National Park Authority.
WPC – Westmeston Parish Council.
WPC does not have the power to approve or refuse planning applications.
Planning applications can be found on the planning portals of Lewes District Council (“LW”) or South Downs National Park (“SDNP”). These can be found at:-
When visiting one of these sites you may find it easiest to choose a “Simple” search. You can then just insert the reference number of the application as noted below and details will be displayed.
Planning Applications:-
LW/24/0354 Land Adjacent to Mid Sussex Golf Club, Spatham Lane
Provision of 4no. padel courts (Class F2) with ancillary office unit and casual seating area, provision of vehicle parking area, bicycle storage and soft landscaping.
Westmeston Parish Council objects to this development on the following grounds.
The development is wholly inappropriate for a rural location adjacent to the South Downs National Park and the Dark Sky Reserve, operating 15 hours each day between 07.00 and 22.00. It will lead to a significant increase in car journeys, increased noise, light pollution, degrade the habitat for wildlife and detrimentally impact on landscape views from footpaths. It is a development more appropriate for an urban or suburban location and will not enhance the rural landscape. The development is contrary to the following policies of the Lewes Local Plan Part 2 (LLPP2) and the Ditchling Streat and Westmeston Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP).
The development is outside the planning and settlement boundaries. The development is not small scale and will have considerable adverse impact, contrary to LLPP2 policies DM1 and DM11 and NDP policy DS1.
The development fails to protect the distinctive character and quality of the countryside, contrary to LLPP2 policy DM1. It will intrude into views of the landscape and is a floodlit facility adjoining a Dark Sky Reserve, contrary to LLPP2 policy DM25 and NDP policies CONS 2, CONS 6 and CONS 8.
Access to the development is served solely by a narrow dangerous country lane used by walkers, cyclists and horse riders. The bus service to the lane is infrequent and realistically journeys to the development will be by car. The application details a significant increase in journeys which would be detrimental to highway safety, contrary to LLPP2 policy DM11.
Car parking for the development is proposed on the current overspill car park which is currently often full. This area suffers from water logging. If the development is successful there will be a need for further car parking.
Padel is a noisy game because of the hard racket and the use of the hard walls of the court. The noise has been described as being like constant gunfire. The development would result in significant levels of noise and disturbance to local residents and the rural setting of the site. We note that the padel court at Withdean sports complex in Brighton has been served a noise abatement order. The development is contrary to LLPP2 policy DM11.
Given the location of the site adjacent to the National Park and the adverse impacts of the development, the parish council requests the South Downs National Park Authority is consulted on this application.
June 2024
LW/24/0355 The Old Wheel Cottage, Eastern Road, Wivelsfield
Front/side single storey ground floor extension with single storey first floor extension to rear and fenestration alterations.
RESOLVED: Members agreed to comment as follows: Westmeston Parish Council makes no comment on this application.
June 2024
SDNP/23/05134/FUL Ditchling Rugby Club, Keymer Road (in Ditchling) Engineering works, to consist of re-profiling of site and realignment of pitch, new drainage system, creation of new access from Clayton Road leading to new parking area, erection of groundsman's store/facilities, associated landscaping, and extension to the existing allowed playing season.
Westmeston Parish Council objects to this development. The development is contrary to policy CONS 7, “Protect important gaps between settlements" of the Ditchling, Streat and Westmeston Neighbourhood Development Plan. This is development on the gap between Ditchling and Keymer, the protection of which had overwhelming public support during the consultation part of the preparation of the NDP. The scale of the development is excessive. A car park for 133 cars and two coaches. A groundkeeper’s store extending over 225 square metres. An approximately 250-metre-long access road running from the B2112 to the far side of the site. A new pillared 20-feet-wide gateway giving access from the B2112. Previous developments on this site were predicated on agreement between the rugby football club and the cricket club to share existing facilities. It is now claimed that this is not possible, although the reasons given lack detail. (ii)
March 2024
LW/24/0044 Lone Oak Farm, Spatham Lane (in Ditchling) Lawful Development Certificate for the continuous use of static home as a dwelling for a period in excess of 4 years. No comment submitted.
March 2024
SDNP/23/04420/HOUS & SDNP/23/04421/LIS Spatham Farm Cottage, Spatham Lane
Conversion of Stables to Golf Simulation Suite.
Westmeston Parish Council makes no comment on this application.
January 2024
SDNP/23/04422/FUL & SDNP/23/04423/LIS Spatham Farm Cottage, Spatham Lane
New Padel Court with Legacy Planting Plan: to include Orchard and Replacement
Westmeston Parish Council makes no comment on this application.
January 2024
SDNP/23/04774/FUL Westmeston Parish Hall, Lewes Road
Installation of 12no 435-watt solar panels to roof and tesla Powerwall battery to outside of South Elevation, with associated wiring works
Westmeston Parish Council makes no comment on this application.
January 2024
SDNP/22/04191/FUL Barncroft, Lewes Road
Creation of pond of approximately 135m squared.
SDNP/22/03352/FUL Dunster, Underhill Lane
Construction of an equestrian sand school. - Application withdrawn on 23rd August 2022.
LW/22/0442 Thomsetts Farm, Hundred Acre Lane – Closing date for comments 5th August
Demolition of single storey outbuildings and the erection of a part two-storey, part one-storey outbuilding with car port with supported two storey access steps and associated landscaping.
WPC Comment:
Westmeston Parish Council objects to this application because the development contravenes policies in the Lewes District Local Plan Part 1 (LDLP1), Lewes District Local Plan Part 2 (LDLP2) and the Ditching, Street and Westmeston Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP).
The proposals would significantly increase the size and footprint of the building on the site, which is visible in public views from Hundred Acre Lane, would be an overdevelopment and not complement and enhance the character and context of the surrounding countryside location, contrary to Core Policy 11 of the LDLP1, Policies DM11 and DM25 of the LDLP2 and Policy CONS2 of the NDP.
The building is close to the oak tree on the road edge which is of prime value. Concerns are raised about the future loss of the tree should the development be implemented, contrary to Policy DM11 of the LDLP2 and Policy CONS2 of the NDP. Should the application be approved, the Parish Council requests a planning condition is attached requiring appropriate tree protection measures to ensure the retention of the tree.
LW/22/0445 Lone Oak Farm, Spatham Lane (in Ditchling Parish) – Closing date for comments 3rd August
Hip to gable end roof extension to both sides and erection of two-storey front extension with creation of front balcony and alterations to fenestration on all elevations.
WPC Comment:
Westmeston Parish Council objects to this application because the development contravenes policies in the Lewes District Local Plan Part 1 (LDLP1), Lewes District Local Plan Part 2 (LDLP2) and the Ditching, Street and Westmeston Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP).
The proposals would significantly increase the mass and volume of the existing building on the site, and together with its design appearing as an urban house in the countryside, would be an overdevelopment and not complement and enhance the character and context of the surrounding countryside location, contrary to Core Policy 11 of the LDLP1, Policies DM25 and DM28 of the LDLP2 and Policy CONS2 of the NDP. The visual impact of the extended and altered building in public views from Spatham Lane would be significantly increased if the adjoining polythene tunnel was removed.
LW/21/0917 - Lone Oak Farm, Spatham Lane, Westmeston, BN6 8XL. Erection of 3no holiday lets, pergolas and shed with creation of access and parking and associated landscaping
Westmeston Parish Council objects to this application, which is in close proximity to Westmeston parish, because the development contravenes policies in the Lewes District Local Plan Part 1 (LDLP1) and the Ditching, Street and Westmeston Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP).
The development entails the construction of three new dwellings in the countryside outside the settlement boundary, providing accommodation for a total of 12 people, contrary to the development strategy in Policy DS1 of the NDP. The proposals do not comply with the exceptions in the policy. In particular, in relation to exceptions (d) and (e), by virtue of the number of units, the number of persons to be accommodated and the size and height of the buildings, the development is neither small-scale or low key.
The proposed contemporary new buildings, by virtue of their modular A-frame design, ridge height, scale and mass, would be an overdevelopment and not complement and enhance the character and context of the surrounding countryside location, contrary to Core Policy 11 of the LDLP1 and Policy CONS2 of the NDP.
Landscape and important views
Being at the western side of Lone Oak Farm places the development adjacent to a key view within the parishes of Westmeston and Ditchling and paths with continuous views and an outstanding 360° view as shown in Figure 3.7/1 of the NDP. The viewpoint is the view across Ditchling Common to Ditchling and the Downs. The development would not conserve the landscape, views and scenic beauty of the Neighbourhood Plan area, contrary to Policy CONS6 of the NDP.
Dark skies
The proposals do not demonstrate there will be no adverse impacts on the quality of dark night skies, as required by Policy CONS8 of the NDP.
The application states there will be no increase in traffic as the development replaces existing camping and caravan space. However, the intention is for the properties to be occupied all year round, rather than the very seasonal camping and caravan business. This will further increase traffic levels and increase highway safety concerns in Spatham Lane, as well as increasing levels of noise and disturbance to nearby residents. In addition, there is no pedestrian access to the site along Spatham Lane, resulting in danger to pedestrians.
Concerns for future use
The council has serious concerns that the present proposal for holiday accommodation could become long-term rents or sold as residential property in the future and requests that if permission is granted a planning condition is attached to prevent this from occurring. There is no ostrich farming currently on the site. The planning authority is also requested to carefully review the planning history of the site and attach planning conditions to prevent an over intensification of the use and safeguard the amenities of the locality.
SDNP/22/01125/FUL – Land West of Lewes Road, Westmeston, Redevelopment of the existing stable block with a holiday accommodation unit.
Westmeston Parish Council objects to this application because the development contravenes policies in the South Downs Local Plan (SDLP) and the Ditchling, Streat and Westmeston Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP).
The development proposes the demolition of an isolated stable block and construction of a holiday accommodation unit in the countryside outside the settlement boundary, providing accommodation for a total of 6 people. The new development, by virtue of the construction of a larger building on the site comprising an additional 30% increase in the footprint of the building over the existing stables building, its roof height, the new hard surfaced driveway and vehicle hard standing, would result in the urbanisation of farmland and the over-development of the site.
For these reasons, the proposals are contrary to the development strategy in Policy SD25 of the SDLP and DS1 of the NDP and do not comply with the exceptions in both policies for development outside the settlement boundary. The proposals are neither small-scale, nor low key, are an inappropriate re-use of a previously developed site, and would not conserve, nor enhance, the special qualities of the National Park.
Visitor accommodation
The proposed visitor accommodation would be contrary to Policy SD23 of the SDLP. It would adversely affect the character, appearance and amenity or the area and, as a development outside the settlement boundary, would not positively contribute to the natural beauty of the National Park.
The proposed use as holiday accommodation will increase the number of vehicles entering and exiting the site from Lewes Road, particularly ones driven by drivers who are unfamiliar with local traffic dangers. The site access is located on a dangerous section of the road (that has been for some time badly maintained), with many vehicles traveling at high speed. The transport survey undertaken by the applicant was undertaken at a time, when because of the COVID pandemic, traffic was less. This part of Lewes Road is subject to the national 60mph speed limit. Improvements to the site lines at the access from Lewes Road are proposed. However, these include works on land that are outside the applicant’s control and may not be able to be implemented. The proposals will increase traffic levels and increase highway safety concerns in Lewes Road.
Dark skies
The planning authority is requested to ensure there will be no adverse impacts on the quality of dark night skies from the proposals, as required by Policy CONS8 of the NDP.
Concerns for future use
The parish council has serious concerns that if the development is constructed, additional accommodation could be provided within the building envelope at first floor level, thereby increasing the number of occupants of the building by a further four persons in two additional bedrooms. This would overly intensify the use of the property and increase vehicle movements and highway safety concerns. In addition, the parish council also has serious concerns that the present proposal for holiday accommodation could become long-term rents or sold as residential property in the future.
The parish council considers, and requests, that if permission were to be granted that robust planning conditions be attached restricting the future use to holiday lets, and preventing further extension of the unit, both in size and additional internal floorspace.
SDNP/20/05860/HOUS | Erection of 1 x side and 2 x rear single storey extensions | Cart Lodge Hayleigh Farm Streat Lane Streat East Sussex BN6 8RU
Some confusion over the closing date for comments but 24th February should be used to be on the safe side.
LW/20/0140 LW/20/0140 | Change of use of agricultural land to dog day care facility (sui generis) with construction of site access, reception building and field shelter and provision of car parking | Land Adjacent to Middleton Common Farm Middleton Common Lane Streat BN6 8SF
Thursday 26 Nov 2020: Planning permission granted
Notification of Committee Meeting Wednesday 25 November 2020 4pm.
Planning Application No. LW/20/0140
Westmeston Parish Council commented that Environmental Health be asked to assess potential noise. Following our comments EH did visit another dog care site and, although they did not find any excessive noise, prepared a report concluding that a temporary period of permission would enable better assessment of any nuisance.
In view of the public comments highlighting potential noise nuisance, we have posted the EH conclusion below
EH conclusion:
If it is acceptable to the Local Planning authority, a temporary period of permission would allow for a more accurate acoustic assessment of the premises whilst it is operating so that the contribution of noise from the operational premises, including that of barking canines, can be assessed with more confidence. A temporary period of permission would also allow for a review of any noise-related complaints and the outcome of any statutory nuisance investigations performed by Lewes District Council.
Westmeston Parish Council
19 November 2020
A Message From The Chairman Of Westmeston Parish Council.
To Westmeston parishioners and residents of Streat and Ditchling.
The benefit of social media is the rapid distribution of positive information. The unavoidable participation of the unwise leads to the even faster spread of rumour and untruths.
For the avoidance of further anxiety caused to the innocent by the unwise, the following facts and circumstances of a specific planning application may help.
Firstly, a reminder that it is for a life and death reason that we are all subject to emergency legislation, including the rules relating to Lockdown. This applies to all tiers of Government including District Councils and Parish Councils. It means that Planning Departments are reduced to minimum staffing, with the majority working from home. As a result, whilst planning applications continue to be made, little or no action can be taken at this time, including informing relevant parish councils. This council has not been informed or consulted on this case.
LW/20/0140 Application – Land at Middle Common Lane, change of use from agricultural to dogs’ day care with associated buildings. (full details on line)
Despite not being informed of this application (there was no reason for Planning Office to do so at this stage), we gleaned from a third party that it had been submitted and that the applicant had published a leaflet promoting the development, inviting local people to seek further information.
Having then seen the application documents and been informed that Planning office would be resuming regular listing of new applications week staring 11th May, it was a matter of waiting for the consultation period to start. Having repeatedly informed enquirers that there was no deadline and therefore no urgency involved for submitting comments, the fear seems to be spreading that it had to be done by May 4th. Total nonsense of course, Councils do not work that way. There is always full and open information available with an adequate time period.
The Parish Council is complying with the emergency legislation which in our case means that we are unable to hold a meeting. (Meetings with access for the public are required to enable a resolution to be passed). Our Vice Chairman has already made a public statement that the Council neither supports nor objects to this application. This remains our position because we cannot pass a resolution, until Central Government advises otherwise. A Parish council does not have powers such as those held by District Council planners who can make decisions by devolved authority.
Be assured that those concerned about the future of Bruce’s Doggy Day Care have plenty of time to express their viewpoint. There is a minimum of 2 weeks plus days for the bank holiday, and probably an extension beyond.
I would like to send to our friends, neighbours, and supporters from the Beacon Parishes, our compliments and best wishes with hope for safer days to come.
Chairman Westmeston Parish Council
2nd May 2020
SDNP/20/01209/HOUS | New front porch and revised fenestration to left elevation | 1 Church Cottages The Street Westmeston BN6 8RJ Application in progress
SDNP/20/01051/TCA | T1/T2 fell due to ash dieback | The Barn Lewes Road Westmeston Hassocks East Sussex BN6 8RH
SDNP/20/00527/PA15B | Prior Approval for the installation of a GRP Substation enclosure | Land West of The Haven Lewes Road Westmeston BN6 8RL Prior approval not required
SDNP/20/00320/OHL | (1) Removal of HV poles 614481, 614475, 614476, 614477/78, 614479, 614480 and associated HV overhead lines (2) Removal of LV pole 627153 and associated LV overhead lines (3) Installation of new HV terminal pole and 2 stay wires under existing line between poles 614481 and 614482 (4) Installation of new HV terminal pole and 2 stay wires under existing line between poles 614475 and 614474 | Land to The West of The Haven Lewes Road Westmeston East Sussex. No Objection
SDNP/19/05884/HOUS | Erection of entrance porch and adaption of existing dormer window | Cripps Cottage Lewes Road Westmeston BN6 8RH. Approved 04 February 2020
TW/18/0063/TCA | T1 Sycamore to fell T2 Ash to reduce by 25% to provide more light to the garden and conservatory | Church Cottage Lewes Road Westmeston East Sussex BN6 8RH Status: Decided
SDNP/19/04853/FUL | Change of use of land to permit the keeping of horses and erection of stable block with improved access to the Lewes Road | Land On The East Side of Lewes Road Lewes Road Westmeston East Sussex. Application in progress.
SDNP/18/04155/FUL Application to build a large single dwelling on Keymer field in the Strategic Rural Gap
Objection by Westmeston Parish Council
This application has been appraised in detail and is being strongly objected to by Ditchling Parish Council (DPC) on the grounds that it directly contradicts the wishes of the local community for local development set out in the Beacon Parishes Neighbourhood Development Plan for Ditchling, Streat and Westmeston recently approved and adopted by local referendum. After detailed consideration of the application, Westmeston Parish Council has come to the same conclusion.
DPC has set out a very detailed appraisal of how the application should be considered in the context of the tests to be met in section 79 (formerly paragraph 55) of the National Planing Policy Framework (NPPF) and the relevant policies of the Neighbourhood Development Plan. Again, after much consideration, WPC supports this appraisal. The application to build on this site should not be granted.
1. Section 79 of the National Planing Policy Framework (NPPF)
Two key features of the appraisal under the NPPF are that section 79 is one of the very few exceptions within the NPPF that would allow a development outside the settlement boundary in the countryside. The second key features of this appraisal is that houses developed under this clause are very rare because the majority of such applications do not meet the section's very rigorous tests. And this is without the additional rigor that applies within a National Park, where the bar is set even higher.
As the Local Planning Authority (LPA) will be aware, there is close precedent. A proposal for a paragraph 55 house within the South Downs National Park (SDNP) made in 2016 was refused permission both by the local planning authority (East Hants) and the Planning Inspector (on appeal). This application has many parallels to the Ditchling application. It was for a large, environmentally sustainable dwelling on the edge of a historic hamlet beyond its settlement boundary. The Planning Case Officer recommended that the application be refused permission for the following reasons:
It is not accepted that the use of existing technologies to provide a highly sustainable dwelling would override the very high bar in terms of protecting and enhancing the National Park countryside, which is a local and national policy requirement
Whilst it may be an outstanding form of design, it is not a design that would sit comfortably in this traditional hamlet in the South Downs National Park
Whilst the NPPF does allow for isolated rural dwellings, this proposal would add to an existing hamlet and the contemporary design does not reflect the traditional rural character of the area. The proposal would therefore not be sensitive to the defining local characteristics of the area.
The inspector’s ruling at Appeal (refusal) stated that whilst there was much to commend about the quality and innovative nature of the house's design", he could not allow it to be built in the proposed ‘sensitive’ national park location.
2. Relevant Neighbourhood Plan Policies
The proposed development is not in one of the housing development sites set out in the Neighbourhood Development Plan and is outside the settlement boundary. The site directly abuts the historic Conservation Area. The site is in a National Park. To approve the proposed development would be to undermine the recently approved Neighbourhood Development Plan.
Development outside settlement boundaries
Policy DS1 (2), Development Strategy, sets out a list of exceptions under which development might be permitted outside the settlement boundary provided it also complies with relevant policies in the Development Plan.
After careful consideration, Westmeston Parish Council, agrees with DPC. It is felt this application does not meet any of these exceptions. Moreover, as Westmeston does not have a formal 'settlement', any new development in Westmeston would be on a rural exception site. This only intensifies the importance of maintaining the rigour of examining applications proposing to build outside of settlement boundaries.
Protection of the strategic rural gap
The protection of the strategic rural gap between Ditchling and Hassocks/Keymer is a specific objective (1.6.2 (IV)) of the Neighbourhood Plan. It reflects the concern expressed by residents in the questionnaire commissioned for the formulation of the Plan. CONS7 is the policy designed to protect the strategic rural gap. CONS7 was discussed in draft with and supported by the SDNPA during the early stages of preparing the Plan. A similar policy was included within the Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan, which signifies the widespread local concern about future erosion of this gap through development.
WPC shares the view with DPC that if an application for a dwelling within this area were to be granted permission this would over time lead to the inevitable destruction of the rural gap between Ditchling and Hassocks/Keymer. Such a permission would contradict the explicit policies and objectives of the Neighbourhood Plan, undermining and weakening its ability to help protect the gap from future applications to build as the rural land that constitutes the gap was progressively diminished.
Local Housing Provision
The proposed development is for a large single house on an enormous site which does not help to meet Ditchling's housing needs based on starter homes and affordable housing as set out in the Neighbourhood Plan.
Conservation of the historic and built heritage of the village
The rural landscape is the essential setting for the historic heart of the village which forms the Conservation Area. The proposed development directly abuts the Conservation Area. The development would neither enhance the character of the rural landscape nor bring any benefit to the local community.
3. Conclusion
The developer has argued that the proposed development is an outstanding, innovative design, environmentally sensitive and technically advanced. And so it may be. But the design is not the key issue. The site is of strategic importance in maintaining the rural gap and setting, the character and integrity of the village.
The proposed development flies in the face of the Neighbourhood Development Plan, its policies and its objectives. The application to build on this site should not be granted.
To approve the proposal would be to permit a development to irreparably change the character of the village at the expense of the local community and to the detriment of the future of Ditchling.
The proposed development should not be granted permission to be built.
SDNP/17/01358/FUL | Proposal for 40 space public car park to be constructed on a small agricultural field including provision for cycle stands x 3 No and partial removal and replanting of hedgerow at Keymer Road, Ditchling. | Land adjacent Pumping Station Keymer Road Ditchling East Sussex BN6 8TR
Although we realise this is in Ditchling we feel it may be of interest to everyone who uses the village for the Post Office etc..
SDNP/17/01024/FUL | Erection of cattle building and installation of earth-bunded outdoor silage clamp and farmyard manure store | Stocks Farm Spatham Lane Westmeston BN6 8XJ
WPC response 6th April 2017
SDNP/17/10124/FUL Stocks Farm
Westmeston Parish Council, having taken note of relevant facts and information in the interests of local residents in Ditchling and Westmeston, including the applicant, must trust the judgement and expertise of SDNP in reaching their decision arising from their Environmental Assessment. Westmeston Councillors are aware of the concerns of local residents in relation to traffic matters and the visual impact of the proposals. The Environmental Assessment should address these concerns.
In the absence of proven detrimental material planning considerations, Westmeston Parish Council supports the application.
I shall be grateful if you will acknowledge receipt of this message.
Christine Swan MBE - Clerk to Westmeston Parish Council.
SDNP/16/06360/HOUS 2 Hayleigh Farm Cottages
Proposal: Replacement timber framed garage and store
Closing Date for comments: 1 February 2017
Case Officer: Mrs Alyson Smith
This proposal is within the South Downs National Park. The application will be dealt with and determined by Lewes District Council, acting as an agent for the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA), unless it is 'called in' by the SDNPA
SDNP/16/05342/PRE Westmeston Farm: Conversion of farm buildings to 4/5 terraced houses with garages and landscaping.
This is a “pre-application” and no further information is available at this time.
SDNP/16/04770/FUL Old Cart Lodge Hayleigh Farm Streat Lane
Proposal: Removal of a former agricultural cart lodge and erection of a dwelling house with garden and two parking spaces
Closing Date for comments: 17 November 2016
Case Officer: Chris Wright
This proposal is within the South Downs National Park. The application will be dealt with and determined by Lewes District Council, acting as an agent for the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA), unless it is ‘called in’ by the SDNPA
Application refused Thursday 23 Feb 2017
SDNP/16/01023/LIS April Cottage. For the retention of PVC Conservatory
Westmeston Parish Council has examined the application and associated documents.
Due to the passage of time during which no evidence of objections from neighbours past or present is apparent, and that no discernable negative impact has been perceived, we have no reason to object to the continued existence of the development.
We therefore make no comment or statement intended to influence the Planning Officer’s decision.
update - Application refused.
SDNP/16/02270/HOUS Westmeston Farm. Replace garage and store. Re-build on original site, slightly larger footprint, for garaging and garden machinery store on ground floor. Roof space to accommodate farm office. No change of use. Improved materials.
Westmeston Parish Council has examined the application and considers that having made comment on the previously withdrawn proposal, there is nothing more to add. The decision is based on the new proposal being within the parameters previously agreed as having minimal impact on the neighbourhood.
LW/15/0895 Notice of Prior Approval for Change of Use At Land South Of Kidds Acre Farm Hundred Acre Lane Wivelsfield East Sussex (submitted 9 November 2015)
Prior Approval from AGR to Dwellings for Prior approval for building operations reasonably necessary to convert an Agricultural Building to a Dwelling House
At Land South Of Kidds Acre Farm Hundred Acre Lane Wivelsfield East Sussex
Parish: Westmeston
to be carried out in accordance with Plan and Application No. LW/15/0895 submitted to the Council on 9 November 2015.
SDNP/15/04972/HOUS |Submitted 22 September 2015
Demolition of existing detached garage building including farm office, and erection of a detached building with rooms above comprising garage and machinery store with self contained studio flat, home fitness room and a replacement farm office ancillary to the use of the residential dwelling known as Westmeston Farm, Westmeston Farm The Street Westmeston
Planning Applications SDNP/15/03104/TCA and 04042/TCA St Martin’s Church, Lewes Road.
These applications are a formality in dealing with works to trees in the church yard which is within both the SDNP and the Westmeston Conservation Area. The works have already been agreed with the appropriate Case Officer. There is no role for WPC.
Planning Applications LW/15/0688 and 0639 Land south of Kidds Acre Farm and known as Spring Farm, Hundred Acre Lane.
Submitted 27 July 2015.
These applications relate to the change of use of an agricultural building to a use falling within Class C3 (dwellinghouse) and the resultant design and building works.
An assessment has been made and WPC encouraged LDC to approve both applications subject to certain issues.
WPC has no further role to play.
LW/15/0639 was refused on a technicality. If it is re-submitted it will be reported here.
LW/15/0688 was granted 13 October 2015.